- リクルートエージェント(未経験から幅広く求人を探す)
- LHH転職エージェント(全世界から幅広く求人を探す)
- JAC Recruitment(海外勤務・外資系を狙う年収600万円以上の方向け)
まずは履歴書(ResumeまたはCurriculum Vitae、略してCV)を作成してみましょう。履歴書とカバーレターのどちらから始めるかは自由ですが、初めての作成なら、まずは機械的に埋めていける履歴書から取り掛かる方がいいかもしれません。
Resume of Hanako Tanaka(文書タイトル)
- 1. Personal Information(個人情報)
Name:Hanako Tanaka
Address:123 New Street, Brisbane QLD 4321
Telephone:0400 123 456
Date of birth:20th of January,1990
Country of Permanent Residence:Japan(永住権を取得している場合はAustraliaと書きます)
- 2. Position Sought(応募職種)
Client Administration Officer(職種名)
Ref No. JPN0000( レファレンスナンバー)
- 3. Education(学歴)
a)Meee Australia, Brisbane, Australia
Certificate III in Hairdressing
– Graduated December 2015
b)The University of Brisbane, Brisbane, Australia
Bachelor of Business: Graduated July 2012
・International Event Management
・Service Management
・International Hotel Management
・Tourism and Hospitality
c)JPN University, Tokyo, Japan
Bachelor of Economics:Graduated March 2010
・Marketing for Hospitality
・Travel Related and Tour Operators, Leisure Industries
・Service Sector Economics
・Successfully completed degree in the minimum time
d)The University of Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada
・Participated in 9-month exchange program from 2008 to 2009
・Studied English language and Canadian culture
・Volunteered at a seniors’ centre and a homeless shelter as a clerical assistant
- 4. Work Experience and History(職歴)
・June 2015 to present – Employed casually with Study in Australia, Brisbane City, as a receptionist. Gained excellent interpersonal skills and handled difficult clients in a timely manner. Organized work efficiently so that the education agency would run smoothly.
・August 2013 to June 2015 – Employed casually with Global Education Consultancy, Brisbane, as an administrative assistant. Dealt with international students efficiently, built rapport with marketing representatives from English colleges, and performed daily tasks efficiently.
・Proficient with the following Windows based software packages – Microsoft Windows, Excel, Outlook, and Power Point.
- 5. Future Plans(将来のキャリア計画)
・Pursue my career in the university environment and promote better international relations between the education sector and the wider international community.
・Run an education agency in Australia to cater for international students.
- 6. Hobbies and Interests(趣味・興味)
・Hair and beauty
・Flower arrangement
- 7. Referees(推薦者)※後述
a)Kazuko Murata(Manager / Education Counsellor)
Study in Australia
Level 10, The Chifley at Lennons
10 Brisbane Street
Brisbane, QLD 4555
Telephone: 00 0000 1234
Email: info@studyinaustralia.com
b)Brian Owens(English Teacher)
International Student Agency
Suite 2, Level 3,
40 Australia Street
Brisbane, QLD 4555
Telephone: 00 9876 5432
Email: info@internationalstudent.com
c)Karen Smith(Student Councellor)
International Student Agency
Suite 2, Level 3,
40 Australia Street
Brisbane, QLD 4555
Telephone: 00 9876 5432
Email: info@internationalstudent.com
「Cover Letter(カバーレター)」の書き方
担当者が男性の場合は「Dear Sir,」、女性の場合は「Dear Maddam,」と続けます。どの職種に応募しているのか、役職名やレファレンスナンバーも忘れずに書いてください。
Attention: Mr. Tom Brown(人事担当者)
Human Resource Management(部署名)
Room 1, Bray Centre(宛先)
ABC University(会社名)
Queensland Campus(住所)
QLD 4000
Dear Sir / Maddam,
I am writing to express my interest in pursuing a career with ABC University English Language Institute as a client administration officer (Ref No. JPN0000). I am currently employed as a receptionist at Study in Australia, Brisbane City. Various factors have led me to seek alternative employment, the main reasons are a desire to apply my knowledge that I had gained from my university studies and to promote better international relations between ABC University and the wider international community.
I am seeking a more analytical and organizational focus from my working experience. I am a skilled and motivated employee that is eager to learn and wishes to further my knowledge and experience in education/administration sector. I pay meticulous attention to detail and take pride in providing excellent customer service and obtaining an optimal and correct solution to problem solving tasks. I look forward to any opportunity to further develop my knowledge and experience at ABC University.
Hanako Tanaka